History of levi strauss and slavery

Controversial jeans

UK Modern Slavery Act Statement Levi Strauss & Co. is committed to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in its business or supply chains.

history of levi strauss and slavery

Negro cloth

Brief Life History of Levi Levi Straus was born on 14 January , in Bavaria, Germany as the son of Straus.

Levi's logo meaning

A new documentary, “Riveted: The History of Jeans” (out Monday, Feb. 7, on PBS), unfolds the untold story of America’s most iconic and ubiquitous garment.

Denim and slavery
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What development pushed the issue of slavery to the center of national debate, Which groups populated the wind large numbers before American pioneers and other Europeans immigrants began migrating Westward., The first white woman who migrated West on the overland trails in 's were, and more.